Small Dog Rescue cliveglen.
All of our dogs are in foster homes in the area please do not turn up at rescue as its by appointment only.
No Kennels Here - Only Foster Homes!
Adoption Policy
The primary purpose of the CliveGlen Small Dog Rescue is to provide for and benefit
the welfare and re-homing of dogs.
To support our primary purpose we have developed a strict policy of Adoption.
The policy is designed to identify suitable new owners and homes for the protection
and support of the dogs.
NB: We only re-home dogs who come to stay with us for a short while. We get to know and assess the dog with a view to re-homing them with caring people who will provide a 'Forever Home'.
Often the dog has experienced physical cruelty or psychological trauma and sometimes both. Consequently, our procedures for their re-homing are thorough and non-negotiable.
The decisions we make are based on more than 25 years practical experience of animal welfare work.
We are always looking for new owners and treat each prospective owner individually and fairly.
The dog's welfare is our priority, all the rescued dogs belong to the CliveGlen Small Dog Rescue and in re-homing matters our decision is final.
The following information will help a prospective owner to make their decision to re-home one of our dogs.
1. We interview and check each prospective new owner. No one under 18 may adopt a dog.
2. We only re-home our dogs to people where we feel we can be assured their new pet will get the time and attention it deserves to
rebuild trust and enjoy their remaining life.
3. We are unlikely to re-home dogs into households with young families or all day workers. A high percentage of our dogs have
experienced stress and unhappy situations previously, which can affect them later. We must consider the safety of children in the new
household while also giving our dogs the very best chance to learn to trust again.
4. It is rare to find a 100 per cent placid, happy dog. Dogs are like people, they have their different temperaments and challenges,
usually as a result of their experiences and up bringing.
5. We know that perseverance love and patience will overcome most problems, which is why we prefer to re-home our dogs with people
who are able to give them all the love they need.
6. We are looking for people who will treat their new dog as a family member and give them the time they need.
7. Some dogs are very troubled from events in their past, some have no confidence or faith or trust in people.
8. Some dogs require another dog for company to bring them out of their shell and teach them how to play like a dog should.
9. We always check new homes for suitability.
10. Depending on your location we can deliver a dog and home check at the same time.
11. We may re-home puppies with families but we carry out a thorough assessment beforehand. E.g. Gardens to be fenced and secure.
12. Flats and bedsits are not acceptable as we believe dogs must have a secure garden to play in.
13. We expect new owners to give the dog a reasonable time to settle into their new home. However, if you feel that the dog is not settling into your family environment you can return the dog to us within 7 days.
NB: A £100 administration charge will be deducted from the adoption fee for time and paperwork involved in returning the dog. after 7 days there will be no refund.
14. All new owners will be fully informed regarding any ailments or health problems. As a strict policy, all dogs that come to us
are taken to our Vets and heath checked, neutered, spayed, micro chipped, vaccinated and treated as required for ailments.
15. New owners take full responsibility for the ongoing veterinary care for their new dog.
16 rescue does not rehome older rescue dogs with children at all, as all children have to be kept safe at all times,
17. Puppies can leave the rescue without being neutered or spayed, male dogs can be neutered from around 6 months,
18. Our donation fees are from £350.00 upwards but depends on breed, and how much veterinary treatment the dog has required.
19. When you adopt a dog from us you fill in an adoption form which is a legally binding contract and must be read carefully and signed.
20. To protect all of our dogs we require you to please make reservations in your Will that the dog must be returned to us at the
Rescue, if they are still alive when you pass away. You should also inform your friends and relatives of your wishes in this regard.
NB: All our rules and procedures are aimed at finding suitable and permanent homes for our dogs. However, none of our activities or
procedures overrides your statutory rights.